Magic Squares: 3×3

Magic Squares: 3×3 Magic Squares: Odd The magic square, according to Chinese legend, was first constructed on the back of a turtle and is called the Lo Shu magic square, the only order of numbers in a 3×3 grid in which they all add up to 15. The unique normal magic square of order 3, also […]
Double or Add? Fun with Grandkids

Last day to get your FREE copy of Letters From Grandma: Before You Were Born for Amazon Kindle. Double or Add? Fun with Grandkids Large Numbers There is a fable that the inventor of chess was rewarded by his king with whatever he wanted. He asked that a grain of wheat (or rice, depending on which fable-tellers […]
How Long Is the Mississippi River?

How Long Is the Mississippi River? Scatter plot. As long as my grandson has been willing to play around with graphs recently, we have been trying to come up with more things to graph. A scatter plot with trend line of baby age to height. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) After we graphed the number of letters […]
What Makes a Good Teacher?

What Makes a Good Teacher? May 7 is National Teacher Day. Who were your favorite teachers and how did they change your life? What made your teacher good at their job? When I was in third or fourth grade, I remember turning in a test paper by walking up to the front of the room and […]
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