How Do You Eat Corn?

How Do You Eat Corn? Survey First page of Constitution of the United States (Photo credit: Wikipedia) This activity is perfect for Thanksgiving, when you are likely to have a lot of people in the house. Materials Pens, pencils or crayons Paper Instructions Think of fun questions you want to ask people, like at a […]
Filed in: education • family activities
How To Prepare For The Best SAT Results

How To Prepare For The Best SAT Results ** This is a sponsored post SAT results are one of the most important sets of data your children will encounter during their school years. Generated from their performance in SAT assessments, their score will determine the type of further education institutions they can apply to. Further, […]
Filed in: education
What Shape is the Bottom of Your Jar?

What Shape is the Bottom of Your Jar? Shapes Newspaper vendor, Paddington, London, February 2005 (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Materials An assortment of containers with various shapes on the bottom, jars and boxes Crayons or markers, pencil or pen Newspaper or brown paper grocery bags, cut open to lie flat Instructions Using the marker or crayon, […]
Filed in: education
How Many Holes Are In Your Buttons?

How Many Holes Are In Your Buttons? Sorting Buttons with just three holes. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Materials 100 buttons of various shapes, colors, number of holes, sizes Paper Crayon, pen or marker Instructions Draw three large circles on the paper Ask your grandchild to look at the buttons and pick out a way to sort […]
Filed in: education
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