Author Archive for Carol Covin
A grandma to two, delightful seven-year-olds, one from each of my two sons and their wives. I am the author of a book of essays, based on interviews with 40 mothers and grandmothers, "Who Gets to Name Grandma? The Wisdom of Mother and Grandmothers." Proceeds go to bring a promising cancer treatment to clinical trials. I blog daily at, on how things have changed since I raised my grandchildren, how to get started writing your autobiography and fun things to do with your grandchildren.
Seven Bridges of Konigsburg

Seven Bridges of Konigsburg Graph theory. The problem of the Seven Bridges of Königsberg. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) I used to think that there was no point in giving someone a math problem that was unsolvable. What could you learn from that except your tolerance for frustration? It turns out, though, that mathematicians, even when they suspect a […]
Filed in: arts & crafts & educational • education • Playtime
The Four-Color Theorem

The Four-Color Theorem Normally, when you color in a pattern in a coloring book, you don’t pay attention to how many colors you need. You use as many crayons as you have available. But, what if you only had two or three or four crayons and you were asked not to let any color meet the same […]
Filed in: arts & crafts & educational • education • Playtime
Magic Squares: 3×3

Magic Squares: 3×3 Magic Squares: Odd The magic square, according to Chinese legend, was first constructed on the back of a turtle and is called the Lo Shu magic square, the only order of numbers in a 3×3 grid in which they all add up to 15. The unique normal magic square of order 3, also […]
Let Me Call You Sweetheart

Happy Father’s Day Let Me Call You Sweetheart In Iowa, where I lived in elementary school, we had Bluebirds and Campfire Girls instead of Brownies and Girl Scouts. Camp Fire Stamp (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Camp Fire Girls, now Camp Fire, was founded on March 17, 1912, by Dr. Luther Gulick and his wife, Charlotte, on […]
Filed in: Holiday
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