Author Archive for admin
Setting Goals
So I have this blogger friend who recently called me out about setting goals. Bethany you know I am talking about YOU. Now I have to start actually setting some goals, I mean real ones. I have always had goals, but not the kind where you say ‘I ran 10 miles today and tomorrow I […]
Filed in: Technology

Here is an interesting concept. Shop online for your regular food / diapers / whatever shopping and have the vendors compete for your business. Then it’s delivered to your door, many times with no shipping charges. It’s your way of getting the best deals without having to cope with the hassle of going to the […]
Filed in: android phone app • iPhone app
yokee anyone?

Here is something fun for iPhone users. If you like Karaoke, you will like this app. turns your iPhone in to a Karaoke microphone! But wait… it gets better! You can create a room for up to five of you and your friends and have a party of Karaoke! But wait… it gets better! It actually makes […]
Filed in: iPhone app
Motivational Monday – September 10
“Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.” By Henry Ford Don’t forget to follow Geek Girl on Facebook and Twitter.
Filed in: motivational quote
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