Author Archive for admin
Do You Recycle?

I am not an environmentalist per say, but I am an avid recycler. I have seen far too many pictures of landfills not to understand the impact all that waste has. If I can do this one small thing to keep at least some waste out of the landfill, then I am all for it. We […]
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Spell Check Anyone?

I posted this to Facebook and then I just could not resist writing a post about it. How hard is it to check your spelling? Or maybe have someone else check it BEFORE you put the display out for your customers to see. How many managers have walked by this display and not noticed the […]
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Walking Shoes

So I have this really nice pair of walking shoes / tennis shoes / or whatever you want to call them. One of the reasons I purchased them is to encourage myself to actually walk. Recently I have become far too sedentary. In an effort to change that I even changed my work style to […]
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Are You Sci-Fi Fan?
Sci-Fi Are You Sci-Fi Fan? Me too! What is it about sci-fi that attracts you? For me first and foremost I like it because it takes me away from the ‘real’ world and all the stresses associated with it. I am a fan of books, movies, and TV series like Fringe and Haven. Yes. I am […]
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