Author Interview: Joni Parker


Author Interview: Joni Parker

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What is the title or working title of your current book?

My latest release is “ Blood Mission .” It’s an epic fantasy and the third book in the Seaward Isle Saga.

Please provide us with a brief synopsis of your book.

When the lives of the two most powerful Elves on Seaward Isle are threatened in a plot by the rogue Elf Mellen, Prince Darin of the Water Elves and Lord Odin of the Tree Elves charge Alex, a young female tracker with a Blood Mission—to hunt him down and kill him, or die in the attempt. Blood Mission puts the fate of the kings and the safety of the inhabitants of Seaward Isle in the hands of a teen-age half-elf warrior. Can Alex survive her mission long enough to discover her own true destiny?

What genre does your current book fall under?

It is in the fantasy genre for the New Adult audience.

Do you always write in the same genre?

I do because I’m writing a series. The first series is called the Seaward Isle Saga. The next three series will follow the same main character through different phases of her life.

Who or what motivates or inspires you to write?

I’m a big fan of “Lord of the Rings” and developed a story in my head that took place after the end of the third book. It kept growing and growing until I had to write it down before I went insane. Now that I’ve started writing, I don’t want to quit. I really enjoy it when I get in the flow, and my fingers can barely keep up with my thoughts.

Tell us about your writing background.

My first published article came in the first grade when my report on a field trip was selected for the school newspaper. In the eighth grade, my short story got second place and my poem an honorable mention. From that point until four years ago, I couldn’t write a short story or poem to save my life. Now, I can’t stop.

How long does it typically take you to write a first draft?

Nothing about my writing so far has been typical. When I first dumped my story onto the computer a few years ago, I sat at my computer for about three months. Then, I sorted it out and separated into three books that form my first series. Since then, I written follow-on books, but I never checked to see how long it took. I just wrote until I came to the end.

Do you employ an editor to assist you in your writing process?

Yes, her name is Teresa Kennedy at She was an acquisitions editor for one of the large publishing houses and has written 30 books.

Are you self-published or represented by an agency?

I self-published my first book, “The Black Elf of Seaward Isle” and later, had it properly edited and released again with the help of my Indie publisher, Village Green Press. My next two books, “Tangled Omens” and “Blood Mission” were also published with the same Indie publisher. I found when I self-published, a lot of doors were closed at the time. Reviewers wouldn’t review it, and book sellers wouldn’t sell it. Having a publishing company behind me helped.

Do you have future projects we can look forward to?

I have a new series in the works called “The Chronicles of Eledon.” It takes my main character to another phase of her life in Eledon, the Elf World. The first book has a working title of “Spell-Breaker.”

Do you have any tips or advice to offer fellow writers?

I’ve read persistence pays off in this business, so you have to write and continue to work on your writing.

Is there anything else you would like to share with your potential readers?

By the time your viewers this interview is posted, print versions of my three books should be available on The bonus book will only be available as an ebook.

Tell us how we can connect with you in the world of social media.

Facebook: #/AuthorJoniParker

Twitter: @ParkerJoni



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  1. JeriWB says:

    I really admire that Joni states that she just wrote her book until she came to the end. Too often, we can get distracted by so much else during the process that all we can think about is how much tie we're spending on a story…. by we I mean me 😉

  2. Persistence in writing is huge. Too often people give up too soon.

    I agree with Jeri, write until you come to the end. It all ties together with persistence.

  3. Joni Parker says:

    Thanks for your comments. I just wanted to let everyone know that my book, "Blood Mission" is now available on Barnes and Noble. My publisher has been working on it since July. Here's the link:

  4. Joni Parker says:

    The paperback version of "The Black Elf of Seaward Isle" is now available on Amazon at