Motivational Monday 1/28


“Believe in yourself and there will come a day when others will have no choice but to believe with you.”

By: Cynthia Kersey

This quote really got me thinking. How many times do we listen to others when they discourage us from doing something? They don’t believe in us so we don’t believe in ourselves. That’s not to say that they do not have the very best intentions. These people may be some of our biggest supporters and just don’t want to see us get hurt or fail. How many dreams will we pass up because those people don’t believe in them? They encourage us to take the path that will ensure the best chance of success rather than taking the path less traveled and a higher risk of failure. Do your dreams lie on the most traveled path, or on the least traveled path? Will you choose the path that is right for you, or choose the path others think is right for you?

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  1. AuctionMama says:

    Oh so true. What's even more unfortunate is that we often let ourselves be swayed by discouragement in others and brush off the encouragement with self doubt. It's a total lose lose situation. If someone says don't do it, we don't, if they say go for it, we don't. Really it ends up best to make the decision and just do it.

    • Geek Girl says:

      It's difficult to make the best decisions for yourself when those who support you tell you not to.

  2. Leora says:

    We have to remember that we know ourselves better than the other person does … and with that, we must move forward with what works for us. On the other hand, some people do have decent advice, so it doesn't mean we shouldn't listen!

    • Geek Girl says:

      Listening to advice is always a good thing. Making the decision that is right for us in spite of it can be difficult.

  3. Dan Meyers says:

    This is a great quote… especially for us people living in this alternative work world! It's hard for people to see how blogging can actually make money, so it's rare to have people buying in right away.

  4. Being your own best cheerleader is sometimes the hardest thing you can do.

    • Geek Girl says:


  5. That quote actually makes me laugh Cheryl:-)

    It's true but there are an abundance of people in this world that it would be disastrous if people have no choice but to believe in:-)

    • Geek Girl says:

      That's not what I was thinking of with this quote, but I hear you. πŸ™‚

  6. Heavens! I've always been one to take the road least travelled. I left a good paying government job to become a freelancer. I married a man 25 years my senior. I launched a toastmasters club specifically for the arts community in my region, and I'm self-publishing my chocolate book because no agent or publisher snapped it up. So far, all of those risk-taking decisions have been good ones, and have opened my life to experiences I never would have had had I stayed on the most-travelled path. Risk-taking is best suited for the fearless, as there can be scary moments. But the rewards are sweet and most enlightening.

  7. Jeannette Paladino says:

    Wonderful quote. It isn't always easy but if you don't believe in yourself why should anyone else believe in you?

    • Geek Girl says:

      Also a very good point. Belief can be contagious if it starts with you.

  8. findingourwaynow says:

    It's funny. I have always been one to take the road less traveled. There is always that worry "is this the right way?" Who know what that really is, but we'll never know unless you take a chance. πŸ™‚

    • Geek Girl says:

      I have not always taken the road less traveled, but I am trying it out now. (wink)

  9. @patweber says:

    Our dreams lie on the path that WE create. Inspiring quotation. Thanks!

  10. JeriWB says:

    I spent too much time on the well-traveled road, knowing all along I should have been following that other, more obscure path. It can be hard to believe in ourselves at times, but it becomes more like second nature the more we give it a try.

    • Geek Girl says:

      You and me both. I am working on clearing that less traveled road now. πŸ™‚

  11. namirusso says:

    THANK YOU! I'm in the midst of trying to convince the PTA president not to quit. Just because the administration is giving us a lot of heartache doesn't mean it's hopeless. The kids need us to fight the good fight, and this quote just hit it on the nail. Thanks for it.

    • Geek Girl says:

      Don't give up if you know it's right. πŸ™‚

  12. @KeepUpWeb says:

    That's a great quote Cheryl. When we take the path that's already been blazed ahead for us, we find ourselves just part of the rat race. This world needs more innovators and people who are willing to risk failure in order to achieve success.

  13. You were highly recommended by my girl Bethany at projectwhitespace and I have to say I totally see why she sent me your way. I look forward to reading your posts.
    And you are totally right about letting others bring you down. If I listened to the naysayers I never would have gotten onto my path of health and fitness.

    • Geek Girl says:

      So nice to have you here! Bethany's blog is one of my most favorite!

  14. Geek Girl says:

    Very good point!

  15. Geek Girl says:

    You are the best example of doing what is right for yourself. I am so happy to know you! πŸ™‚

  16. Geek Girl says:

    Yes they do. πŸ™‚ Thanks!

  17. Geek Girl says:

    It would be a really dull world if we all did the same thing. πŸ™‚ There would be no growth, you are correct.